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Zest Livings respect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients’ personal data. We are committed to implementing policies, practices and processes to safeguard the collection, use and disclosure of the personal data you provide us, in compliance with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2012.

We have developed this Privacy / Data Protection Policy to assist you in understanding how we collect, use, disclose, process and retain your personal data with regards to:

Our Website Service

How We Collect Your Personal Data

The PDPA defines personal data as “data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified a) from that data; or b) from that data and other information to which the organisation has or is likely to have access.”

We collect the personal data from you when you place the orders with us (physical or online), enquire about our services or products, interact with us on social media platforms, participate in our events,  referral programmes or contests, provide your feedback to us, seek employment with us or interact with us in any manner.

Types of Personal Data We Collect About You

The types of personal data we collect about you may include:

  • Personal Details
  • Personal Contact Information
  • Delivery Address
  • Type of Residential
  • Email address

We use “cookies” (small files placed on your hard drive) on certain pages to help analyse our web page flow; customise our services, content and advertising; and measure promotional effectiveness.

A few important things you should know about cookies are that:

  • We offer certain features that are available only through the use of cookies.
  • We use cookies to help identify you and maintain your signed-in status.
  • Most cookies are “session cookies,” meaning that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of a session.
  • You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although doing so may interfere with your use of some of our sites or services.
  • You may encounter cookies from third parties on certain pages of the Website that we do not control. (For example, if you view a web page created by another user, there may be a cookie placed by that web page.)

If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can adjust your Internet browser to disable or to warn you when cookies are used. However, we recommend that you leave your Cookies enabled otherwise; you will not be able to shop with us. Our cookies don’t send us back any information about your computer or any other information on your hard drive

How We Use Your Personal Data

We use the personal data we have collected about you for one or more of the following purposes:

  • Process payment for products and services
  • Billing and payment processing
  • Provide customer service and support
  • Billing and other credit-related activities
  • Managing our relationship with you
  • Delivery and order fulfilment
  • Improve our products and services

If you provide any personal information to us, you give us permission to contact you for marketing purposes, which may include messages via post, telephone, SMS or email.

We’ll make sure that we only send you messages that we think will be of interest to you – for instance, the dates of our in-store promotions, details of special offers or information about new products and services. If you do not want us to use your personal information for these marketing purposes, you can decide to opt-out of these types of marketing messages at any time by following the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email we send to you.

Who We Disclose Your Personal Data To

We disclose some of the personal data we have collected about you to the parties or organisations outside Zest Livings solely for the fulfilment of our obligations to you in delivering our products and services as well as to fulfil any regulatory or legal requirements.

How We Manage the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We take our responsibilities under the PDPA seriously. We are committed to implementing policies, practices and processes for data protection that comply closely with the PDPA obligations. These are elaborated in the rest of this Policy document.

1. Obtaining Consent

Before we use or disclose your personal data, we will notify you of the purpose why we are doing so. We next obtain written confirmation from you on your expressed consent. As far as possible, we will not collect more personal data than necessary for the stated purpose.

Under certain circumstances, we may assume deemed consent from you when you voluntarily provide your personal data for the stated purpose, e.g. when you enter into a sales agreement.

2. Third-Party Consent

If you have a one-on-one meeting with us or do a transaction with us on behalf of another individual, you must first obtain consent from that individual in order for us to collect, use or disclose his/her personal data.

3. Withdrawal of Consent

If you wish to withdraw consent, you should give us reasonable advance notice. You have to be aware, though, of the likely consequences of your withdrawal of consent, e.g. without your personal contact information we may not be able to inform you of future updates or that the quality of our service may be impacted.

Your request for withdrawal of consent can take the form of an email or letter to us, or through the “UNSUB” feature in an online service.

Accessing and Making Correction to Your Personal Data

You may write in to us, based on reasonable grounds, to find out how we have been using or disclosing your personal data. We are obligated under the PDPA to allow you access to your personal data of the past one year, and to make any correction if there is any error or omission. Before we accede to your request, we may need to verify your identity by checking your NRIC or other legal identification document. We will try to respond to your request within 30 days. By which time we will give you an estimate of how long it is going to take to retrieve all the relevant data, and how much we will charge you for processing the request.

Accuracy of Your Personal Data

We will take reasonable precautions and verification checks to ensure that the personal data we have collected from you is reasonably accurate, complete and up-to-date. From time to time, we will do a verification exercise for you to update us on any changes to your personal data.  If you are a client or customer, it is important that you update us if there are any changes in your personal information such as your home address

Protection of Personal Data

We have implemented an Information Security Policy that governs how personal data and confidential information are protected within our organisation. We will take the necessary security arrangements to protect your personal data that is under our charge or control to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, or similar risks. All our employees will take reasonable and appropriate measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data, and will only share your data with authorised persons on a ‘need to know’ basis.

External data intermediaries who process and maintain your personal data on our behalf will be bound by contractual data security arrangements we have with them.

Retention of Personal Data

We will not retain any of your personal data under our charge or control when it is no longer necessary for any business or legal purposes. We have a Document Retention Policy that spells out how long we ought to retain each type of confidential document or personal data. Certain retention periods are based on statutory or regulatory requirements.

We will ensure that your personal data that no longer has any business or legal use will be destroyed or disposed of in a secure manner. This applies to both paper documents and electronic data stored in databases.

Transfer of Personal Data

If there is a need for us to transfer your personal data to another country, we will ensure that the standard of data protection in the recipient country is comparable to that of Singapore’s PDPA. If this is not so, we will enter into a contractual agreement with the receiving party to accord similar levels of data protection as that in Singapore.

Please note that your personal data may be transferred to  and maintained on  computers located outside Singapore where the data protection laws may differ from those in your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction.

If you are located outside Singapore and choose to provide your personal data to us, please note that we transfer the information to Singapore for processing here.

Compliance With Laws

Where required to do so by law, we will disclose your personal data to the relevant authorities or to law enforcement agencies upon their requests.

Changes To This Data Protection Policy

We may update our Data Protection Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the policy on this page.

Please revisit this page periodically for any changes. Changes to this Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about our collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal data; feedback regarding this Policy, or any complaint you have relating to how we manage your personal data, you may contact our us at:

Contact Number: +65 8856 7954
Email Address:

Any query or complaint should include, at least, the following details:

  • Full name and contact information of the data subject
  • Brief description of the query or complaint

We treat such queries and complaints seriously and will deal with them confidentially and within reasonable time.

By using this site, you consent to the above privacy policies.

KOI Katong Mall